Self-Care Sunday
Ideas to Renew Your Mental, Physical & Spiritual Space
The Self Care Sunday corner is devoted to renewing your entire soul. Each week, I will post a new list of Self Care Sunday ideas and challenge each of you to take care of yourself and devote time to your well-being. I totally understand Sundays may not work for everyone so choose one day during the week to treat yourself to a little Tender, Love, and Care (TLC).
Tip for Journaling: Let Go of Judgment
“You must remember that your story matters. What you write has the power to save a life,
sometimes that life is your own.”
— Stalina Goodwin
As we know, Self-Care is anything you do to take care of yourself, whether mentally, physically, or spiritually. Working through your thoughts and emotions allows you to be mentally and spiritually calm and at peace. When you set aside time for journaling, you are giving yourself time for self-care and it allows you to self-reflect.
When you journal, do it for yourself. Remember this space that you create is your own safe haven. Sometimes there are thoughts and feelings we need to get out of our head, and that we can’t share with others. Other times we simply just don’t know-how. Be yourself, write what you feel and give yourself grace and allow yourself this time to process your emotions. In this space, you are free from judgment and being misunderstood. Being that these thoughts are more vulnerable and private you may also want to dedicate a secret space to keep your journal.
Remember journaling comes in different forms. There are no rules; meaning, there’s no right or wrong way, it’s all trial and error so allow yourself to find your way. Journaling can be therapeutic, good for the soul, and essential to self-care if you allow it.
Love and Life Friend,